What are the models of steel bar bending machines?

What are the models of steel bar bending machines?

What are the models of steel bar bending machines?

WG (Haihui) -12B-2 CNC Reinforcement Hoop Bending Machine

WG (Haihui) -12D-1 CNC Reinforcement Hoop Bending Machine

WG (Haihui) -12E CNC Reinforcement Hoop Bending Machine

WG (Haihui) -16B CNC steel bar bending machine

WG (Haihui) -12D-2 CNC Reinforcement Hoop Bending Machine

WG (Haihui) -12D-3 CNC Reinforcement Hoop Bending Machine

WG25 CNC steel bar bending machine

WG20 CNC steel bar bending machine

WG12F CNC steel bar bending machine

WG12L CNC steel bar bending machine

WG16F CNC steel bar bending machine

The steel bar bending machine belongs to an improvement of the structure of the steel bar bending machine. This utility model includes a reducer, a large gear, a small gear, and a curved disc surface, characterized in that in the structure, a two-stage braking motor is directly connected to the reducer for a first stage reduction; The small gear and the large gear mesh together for two-stage reduction; The large gear always drives the curved disc surface to rotate; A central shaft hole and several bending shaft holes are set on the curved disc surface; There are several positioning shaft holes on the positioning square bars of the workbench.

Due to the direct connection between the dual stage brake motor and the reducer for primary reduction, the input and output speed ratio is accurate, the bending speed is stable and accurate, and the speed can be controlled by electrical automatic control. The brake can ensure the bending angle. Use the forward and reverse rotation of the motor to bend the steel bars in both directions. The central axis can be replaced for easy maintenance. Intelligent control can be adopted.



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