Reinforcement spiral reinforcement molding machine, fully automatic reinforcement spring machine

Reinforcement spiral reinforcement molding machine, fully automatic reinforcement spring machine

Reinforcement spiral reinforcement molding machine, fully automatic reinforcement spring machine

Spiral reinforcement forming machine is a device used for processing spiral reinforcement. It usually consists of an electric motor, a transmission mechanism, a spiral forming mold, and a control system.

The working principle of the spiral reinforcement molding machine is to drive the transmission mechanism through an electric motor to rotate the spiral forming mold, and at the same time, feed the steel bars or steel wires into the mold. After being squeezed and bent by the mold, the steel bars or steel wires form a spiral shape.

The advantages of spiral rib forming machine are high processing efficiency, high accuracy, simple operation, and wide applicability. It can be used to process spiral reinforcement of various specifications and shapes, and is widely used in fields such as construction, bridges, tunnels, highways, railways, atd.

It should be noted that when using the spiral rib forming machine, it is necessary to select appropriate molds and parameters according to the processing requirements, and strictly follow the operating procedures to ensure processing quality and safety.



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