Price of fully automatic steel bar bending machine integrated machine

Price of fully automatic steel bar bending machine integrated machine

Price of fully automatic steel bar bending machine integrated machine # Haihui steel bar bending machine # Haihui bending machine # Haihui bending machine manufacturer

When purchasing an all-in-one automatic steel bar bending machine, attention should be paid to the following parameters:

Motor power: Some manufacturers intentionally reduce motor power in order to save costs. At present, there are mainly 7.5KW, 11KW, and 18KW servo motors for domestic bending machines. It is recommended to choose 11KW and 18KW.

Automatic threading device: It is crucial to improve processing efficiency and save labor.

Bending and pressing device: ensures that the steel bars do not slide forward during the bending process, improving the accuracy of hoop reinforcement forming.

Transmission mode: The failure rate of the gearbox is higher than that of synchronous belt transmission, and the replacement of the synchronous belt is convenient with low noise.

In addition, when purchasing, attention should also be paid to factors such as product quality, after-sales service, and price. Suggest choosing legitimate channels and conducting a comprehensive evaluation of the product



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