CNC steel cage forming machine, fully automatic steel cage rolling machine

CNC steel cage forming machine, fully automatic steel cage rolling machine

CNC steel cage forming machine, fully automatic steel cage rolling machine

CNC steel cage forming machine is a kind of equipment used for forming and welding of steel cages in the construction industry. It is mainly composed of a CNC system, feed mechanism, forming mechanism, welding mechanism, atd.


CNC steel cage forming machine has the advantages of high forming accuracy, high production efficiency, good welding quality, atd. It can form various sizes and shapes of steel cages according to customer requirements, and is widely used in bridge construction, tunnel construction, building construction and other fields.


When using the CNC steel cage forming machine, it is necessary to strictly follow the operating instructions and safety regulations to ensure the safety and reliability of the equipment. At the same time, it is necessary to do a good job in equipment maintenance and regular inspection to ensure the normal operation of the equipment.



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